For Tuesday, September 23, please read Plautus'
The Swaggering Soldier (Miles Gloriosus), pp. 147-212 in the "Pot of Gold and other Plays" book. Cite a line from this play that shows something about Roman society or Roman history one might not learn from a more conventional historical source, e.g., something about day-to-day life in Rome, something about Roman values, or something about the Roman sense of humor. Explain why you chose this particular line.
A man of pleasant character should be given a long life; the villains and criminals should have their lives cut short. If the gods has gone about it this way, there would be far fewer wicked men amongst us, and far less audacious law-breaking, and what's more life wouldn't be so expensive for the honest men." -Palaestrio pg. 180 This line shows a plebeian thought process against the way of living of the patricians. It also shows the plebeians are educated enough to know when there is wrongdoing in the class above them. This line is eloquent and can be applied to situations today as well. -Jackson Pasco
ReplyDelete"If a man deserved wealth and long life, give me that man who knows how to conserve his wealth and look after his health and be of service to his friends." -Pleusicles pg. 180 This line shows that even in the Roman Age there were people who couldn't manage there wealth. They say that they want a man who will look after his health and the service of his friends. Someone who will give back, and help do what is expected of him. Much like todays society.
ReplyDelete"Cost? Don't be a fool my boy. What you spend on an enemy, or on a bad wife, that is cost; What you spend on a good friend, and welcome guest is all gain." Periplectomenus pg. 179. This to me shows a good deal about Roman hospitality. While Periplectomenus is adamant about not marrying, this quote does serve as an excellent example of Roman friendship and hospitality.
ReplyDelete-Zack Krage
Delete" You can take it from me, When a women has mischief to do, her memory is infallible and indestructible. But for doing a good turn or keeping a promise, she'll suddenly become so forgetful she can't remember a thing, p.186 it seems the women characters are two-faced and cant be trusted -kirk bender
ReplyDelete"Honey, I have enough sneaky in me to be elected President, and still have all the sneaky I need for me."
ReplyDeleteThe Romans clearly weren't afraid to give their leaders a few good jabs and they could do it in a rather cleaver way. -Sean M
"You won't find me making a pass at someone else's girl at a party or snatching plates of food, or grabbing the cup out of turn or starting a drunken quarrel among the company " This line shows the kind of honor the Romans had. They weren't the type of people to go out of there way to harm others or to disgrace themselves. They were proud and wanted to try their hardest to try and move in some way up the ranks, not be looked at as scum.